Elton John Rocketman style peanuts playing Piano signature shirt

BUY IT: Elton John Rocketman style peanuts playing Piano signature shirt


Women's T-shirt front

We would need to continue monitoring our little boy’s development every two weeks going forward. We also made the decision that afternoon to do the amniocentesis test despite the possible risks. Not as a deciding factor for termination but because we wanted to know. It would be from this day on that we would be forced to learn Elton John Rocketman style peanuts playing Piano signature shirt if we didn’t know it already. Forced to wait for the next ultrasound or forced to wait for more results. It would be a waiting game from hell for months to come. Like a terrible game of Jumanji, fearful of the next roll but forced to keep going. The bad news continued when we went for an appointment in February and found out our little love would need to be followed closely by cardiology to monitor a hole in his heart.

Unisex Sweatshirt front


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